Japan- The Last Snapshots

Here are the last of the photos from my Japan trip back in June. Since then I’ve been back in the kitchen, excited about cooking with summer’s best ingredients, so I’ll get back to the cooking blogging soon. Is it just me or are corn, tomatoes and basil all one needs to eat during the summer? The farmers markets are just loaded with the best and sweetest produce right now.

Anyway, back to Nippon!

Dark purple asparagus at the market in Sapporo

Taking the shinkansen (bullet train) to Tokyo from Nagoya

Would you like some beecon, or bacon?

Hairy crab with lots of “kani-miso,” at an izakaya near our hotel in Sapporo.

People gather at a matsuri in Sapporo- this area where all of the food stands are is definitely the most popular of the festival!

An array of plastic sushi displayed in the window of a sushi restaurant, Otaru.

Hmmmmm….more delicious looking plastic food in the shotengai (shopping street) in Sapporo.

Punk rocker in front of one of Japan’s most popular convinience stores, SUNKUS, which is pronounced and means “thanks.” It took me a year to realize that while I lived there since I kept pronouncing the “kus” like “bus.”

Salmon sashimi, fresh and fatty, at an izakaya in Sapporo.

Tiny little eateries like this sushi shop are one of my favorite things about Japan. No matter what city you’re in, you’ll find little places- bars, yakitoriyas, sushiyas, etc.

Last but not least, my 99 year old “obaachan” or grandmother. Isn’t she the cutest? She still loves to eat and chat and is just perfect.

3 Responses to

  1. Whoa, I never knew that about Sunkus. And super-kawaii obaachan you have there!

    I had a Japanese food blog while I was living in Japan and now am writing about food in LA. Check it out if you have the chance: Delicious Coma.

  2. oh my~ your obachan! and she’s 99?! wow, omedetou~~!!ttekanji =)

  3. HAHAHA sunkus! I thought it was an R and not a K..which made it even more confusing! You have changed my world.

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